Grace School, the site of our December 2012 installation, strives to “helps its students help themselves” through their Academic Reward Program. Annually, the student from each class with the highest academic markings is presented with a goat. Ensuring the program’s sustainability, the administrators have asked the students to return the goats’ first kid to the school. Thereafter, the students are able to keep all future kids born to their goat. Due to its success, the program has also recently launched at Point Est, a campus located on the other side of the island.
This student, a resident of Grace Orphanage, received
the highest academic marks in his class.
Here he poses with his new goat, in his crocs from Solar Liberty Foundation!
Income generated from the sale of goat products can be
used to help the students fund their future education.
Furthermore, great progress has been made on Grace School’s new kindergarten wing. Once completed, the new building will be connected to the existing solar energy system.
Grace School and Orphanage is located on Ile-a-Vache, a small island off the coast of Haiti. The island’s limited infrastructure complicated the arrival of our supplies, but it sure didn’t hold back our team. Since the installation, the island’s first road has been completed. Construction on an airport is also underway. Additionally, Solar Liberty Foundation is currently assessing other schools on Ile-a-Vache for solar systems.